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On May 23, at Albigny beach in Annecy-le-Vieux, Outdoor Sports Valley, in partnership with the Salomon GORE-TEX MaXi-Race, invites you to attend an evening seminar entitled, “Failure, an integral part of both personal and professional success.”

Doors open at 18:30 at the MaXi-Race brand village, and the conference starts at 19:00. The coaches and high-level athletes who will share their experience and approach include:

•Laurent BLONDEEL (certified coach and trainer, General Manager of  MaXi Event’s),

Patrick BRINGER (professional trail runner, second place in the 2018 French national trail running championships – long distance, and ultrarunning coach),

•Stéphane TOUREAU (professional freediver, second at World Championships in the “monofin” category),

•Anthony FELBER (trail runner from Annecy),

•Stanislas GRUAU (FKT for running across France, founder of Explora Project), 

Ludovic DEPP (coach, mental preparation expert, CEO of Hyfen).

Relying on their experience, they will talk about real-life situations where they failed, and then explain how they use obstacles as a tool for personal and professional success.

Afterwards, take the time to speak with the athletes and other attendees over drinks along the beach.

>> Register online (in French) <<

When? May 23, 2019, at 18:30

Where? Albigny Beach (Lake Annecy), 74940 Annecy-le-Vieux